

National Railways Transported 334 Million Tons of Cargo in July, Up 3.1% Year-on-Year

Published:2024-09-17 【字體:

      Beijing, August 16 (Reported by Zhou Qiong) - In July 2023, China’s national railways transported 334 million tons of cargo, with an average daily shipment of 10.76 million tons, marking a 3.1% YoY increase and reflecting a steady upward trend.

  Since the beginning of the year, national railway enterprises have actively implemented the directives of the Central Financial and Economic Affairs Commission’s fourth meeting and the decisions of the Party Central Committee and the State Council. They have continuously deepened the market-oriented reform of freight transport, optimized the supply of railway logistics products, and accelerated the construction of a modern railway logistics system, contributing to the reduction of overall societal logistics costs.

  Railway freight capacity continues to strengthen. Despite adverse factors like heavy rainfall in certain regions, the railway sector has implemented flood season safety measures and optimized the use of lines, locomotives and vehicles to ensure the supply of freight transport capacity. Major freight corridors like Datong-Qinhuangdao Railway, Haolebaoji-Ji'an Railway, Tangshan-Huhhot Railway, and Watang-Rizhao Railway have been fully utilized, and the operation of 10,000-ton trains has been increased. Successful test runs of 10,000-ton trains were conducted on sections of the Wubei-Jiangjunmiao Railway and the Southern Xinjiang Railway.

  Strong support for the transport of key materials has been provided. Railways have enhanced communication with local governments and key enterprises to keep track of coal inventories and consumption. They have carefully organized energy supply transportation during the summer peak period, ensuring that the coal stockpile at 371 railway direct-supply power plants nationwide remains at a high level. Priority has been given to the transport of key materials vital to the national economy and people's livelihoods, such as grain, fertilizers and petroleum, ensuring timely deliveries to support business operations and daily life.

  Robust growth in multimodal transport has been achieved. Seamless coordination with major coastal and inland ports has been achieved, with a significant increase in the operation of multimodal container trains. New container types, including large inland containers, coil steel containers, top-open containers, ventilated containers and sulfuric acid tank containers, have been developed and put into use, receiving a strong, positive market response. In July, the volume of railway container shipments increased by 20.3% year-on-year.

  Freight service quality has been improved continuously. Strategic "head-to-head" partnerships have been established with key enterprises to expand logistics package services. Since the beginning of the year, the total contracted volume for railway logistics package services has exceeded 400 million tons. The 95306 platform's service functions have been optimized, enabling the entire freight process to be handled online, improving the shipping experience for customers. Railway financial services have been strengthened, with the promotion of freight loan products across the national railway network, benefiting 416 customers with a total credit financing of 14.2 billion yuan. Support for the construction of dedicated railway lines by local governments and enterprises has been enhanced, with the 95306 platform accepting applications for mainline railway connections, simplifying the connection process and improving efficiency. This has facilitated the final step of the transition from road to rail, helping to reduce societal logistics costs.

  CR has been earnestly implementing the spirit put forward on the 3rd Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, continuously deepening the market-oriented reform of railway freight, actively aligning with the production and logistics market needs of enterprises, optimizing freight product offerings, enhancing railway freight capacity and service quality, and providing strong support for sustained economic recovery and the reduction of overall logistics costs.
